In the last example, the image is more abstract. The Reptilian Brain is the part of your mind which deals with basic bodily functions such as pumping your heart, breathing of the lungs, and the regulation of all chemical processes going on in your body. The reptilian brain has the power to block your therapy. We are fighting millions of years of evolution. And thats because your lizard brain is already influenced by the sex trigger and your critical thinking brain can nothing do about it.This does not mean that you are always helpless when influenced by sex trigger of course. For example, when you think of your favorite memory or something that makes you happy, your reptilian brain will quickly cool down your body and even lower your blood pressure. Write scannable copy, especially if you have a long landing page. Negative affect can be used to arouse users fight-or-flight response. How do you trigger a man's reptilian brain? The middle section of the brain processes emotional responses. As we build up our model of the R complex (the basic, "reptilian brain"), the next structures out from the core are a pair that together are called the "basal ganglia". The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the brain. Robert Sapolsky: What's the best way to think about the brain? Dominant, Assertive & Strategic. In 9 chapters, well cover: conducting user interviews, Multiple studies have found a correlation between a diet high in refined sugars and impaired brain function and even a worsening of symptoms of mood disorders, such as depression. Marketers and politicians use our reptilian brains to intercept our ability to reason. Calls to nationalistic veneration appeal to the reptilian brain's territorial nature. Cut down on alcohol, netflix, social media. And sell you the illusion of happiness. If you use images, make sure that your audience can relate to them. These are all . In both humans and reptiles, the eye acts as a box with a lens to focus the light that passes through it. Not just physical safety, it could also be your emotional, social and financial safety. It's the part of the brain that does impulse control, long-term planning, emotional regulation. Your body temperature changes, it senses it and causes you to sweat or shiver. Also, dim lighting limits the brains cognitive abilities. For example, when you speak to someone on the phone. Eat mindlessly. What we do know is that at some point during the Sumerian reign, the Anunna (which translates to gods) came from the sky and settled on the earth. Finally, the cerebral cortex is the most evolved part of the brain that oversees impulse control, decision making, and long-term planning. Write. Information travels along the axon of one neuron and then travels across the synapse to another neuron. Together these three brains are called the Triune Brain Model, a term coined by Dr. Paul D. MacLean. We all regardless of how good we think we are underestimate the effect of arousal on our behavior. When youre faced with a saber-tooth tiger, theres no time for thinking. You dont need to be Marie Kondo, just try to keep your environment clean and organized. It posits that humans have a primitive portion of the brain, similar to reptiles, that is conditioned to pursue safety and survival. So, as you are a designer, advertiser and/or user experience specialist, the reptilian brain represents your best target; if you want consumers to buy your products, you must grab their attention and make them feel as though they need, rather than want, these items. In the early 21st century, adverts have become dominated by groups of young people drinking and eating to show you just how much darned fun they are having with the product being advertised. Likewise, your cortex, layer three could influence events down in layer one. Robert M. Sapolsky holds degrees from Harvard and Rockefeller Universities and is currently a Professor of Biology and Neurology at Stanford University and a Research Associate with the Institute of[]. The big question is then of course, what will you tell in the middle of your presentation? And fears new experiences, because they could potentially be dangerous. It controls all our senses and motor skills. We were founded in 2002. It avoids discomfort even if it means a greater reward in the future. Have questions? Feroman considerably increases its production by 269%, to achieve, in a few minutes, an increase in natural pheromones. Politicians take advantage of the tribalistic nature of the reptilian brain to win elections. This brain basically follows 2 rules Rule 1- Researcher Bruno Dubuc of McGill University describes the reptilian brain as reliable but compulsive. Food is abundant for most of us now, especially if youre reading this. It gives us the power of abstract thoughts, language, imagination, and higher-order thinking like thinking about thinking. The amygdala is known as the reptilian brain, because it controls our primal emotions and functions, including lust, fear, hate, as well as heart rate and breathing. Internal Triggers An internal trigger comes from within the person. As said earlier, human beings are visual creatures, because the optic nerve is directly connected to the reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is reliable but tends to be somewhat rigid and compulsive. We are capable of processing visual imagery instantly, which is in contrast to text. Then it's very easy to think of layer on top, this cortical area, commanding your second layer, your limbic system to have an emotional response. As you can see, the reptilian brain is responsible for the very basic functionality of you as an animal. 6 Powerful Reptilian Brain hacks to get More Control over your life, 1) Appeal to the pain points of the reptilian brain, 2) Appeal to the self-centered nature of the reptilian brain, 3) Use Contrast to demonstrate importance, 4) Make your value proposition as tangible as possible (aka Show me the money), 5) Focus on the beginning and the end if you want to have an impact, 6) Use Visual metaphors to captivate the reptilian brain of your audience. Cells within the eye process the light and turn it into useful information. If you'd like to know about the Smart Leadership Hut, please check this: Smart Leadership Hut. If you want to have more focus in your life, then the reptilian brain is your best friend. The main character in this movie was addicted to buying clothes, shoes and so on because this was stimulating her reptilian brain with a good feeling about the way she looked. Men and women are less likely to be displayed in such an overt and, some might say, explicit fashion in countries with more conservative cultures. Youve probably heard them a thousand times. Evidence for this reptilian DNA in us comes from the fact that in the early stages, developing embryos look a lot like reptiles and could be classified as such. The idea of the "reptile mind" was first created by neuroscientist Paul MacLean's " Triune Brain " theory. The reptilian brain enables survival but curtails the functioning of the neocortex. The reptilian brain controls the regulatory systems in your body like hormones,. termed the reptilian brain. The Sympathetic nervous system/ego controls the reptilian brain and triggers our fight or flight response system. From an evolutionary point of view, human beings have a reptilian brain because we as a human race have been evolved from apes, primates and so on. Not much. It is also responsible for our memories and keeps track of pleasant and unpleasant experiences. And if you combine this with the first reptilian brain hack, then know that you have to stipulate the pain first and the solution to this pain last, in this key message. It controls all the life-sustaining functions of our body: Heart rate, breathing, body temperature, excretion, etc. And create a meaningful life. Not only are we highly susceptible to the power of images, but we are particularly so when it comes to moving images. Consisting of three separate parts of the brain, this theory identifies the R-complex ("R" stands for reptilian) as the part of the brain that is identical in function to the brain of a reptile. Which of the 6 Reptilian Brain Hacks do you use and what are your experiences with it? Neurons communicate with other neurons using electrical signals. Everyone who passed the exam got a beautiful certificate with their name on it, signed by two members of the board of directors. Because when the breathing is calm, the mind follows. Your Reptilian Brain (or Lizard Brain) is one of the most important organs in your body. The Theory of Your Three Brains. Each brain represents a separate evolutionary step in man's development. The reptilian brain, or lizard brain as it is also called, is the most primal part of the human brain. MacLean's model suggests the human brain is organized into a hierarchy, which itself is based on an evolutionary view of brain development. MacLean's three-part theory explores how the human brain has evolved from ancestors over millions of years, consisting of the . This will calm down your reptilian brain, and this will give your neocortex or critical thinking the chance to step in the process. No Danger! In the first two, images of good-looking people accompany the chat functionality. That should indicate to most customers that this shop is for them, but that doesn't sound very exciting, does it? These hormones prepare your body to flee or flight by . Now, this is an oversimplified model. The models showing all those beautiful clothes, are beautiful themselves thus stipulating the fact that you as a customer look inadequate. Humans are rare creatures. Like the Bohr model was useful for understanding the structure of atom. Thank you already in advance for sharing your thoughts and insights! In thatspaceis our power to choose ourresponse. Shit happens. Therefore, it tends to motivate you to do more of the things which please you and less of the things which give you pain. It destroys your mental health by causing inflammation in the body and killing the gut microbiome. Corporations and Politicians know the power of these triggers. Key lesson: The more senses you trigger and associate with your products/services, the more you will appeal to your customers' emotions and influence their buying behavior. If you would not have your neocortex and limbic system, then you would be like a wild animal defending your territory. Its okay to indulge once in a while. Below is a list of the methods you can use to stimulate the 'reptilian' brain, a concept proposed by neuroscientist Paul MacLean in his 'Triune Brain' model, either to attract users or to improve their experience: What motivates us more than food, drink, and love? When you want users or consumers to sit up, listen, and take notice of something, you might need to use threatening signals. As the primal brain operates instinctively and largely outside our conscious control, images are more suited to our 'reptilian' side. Therefore, the reptilian brain is said to be very primitive and animalistic. So that you can have more control over your thoughts, behavior, and life. Money, power, attractiveness the possibility of gaining or losing any of these things triggers the reptilian brain. As you can see in this picture of the Triune Brain, there are 3 distinct brain regions: By the way the whole idea of you having only three brain parts (aka the Triune Brain theory of dr. Maclean) has already evolved in brain science as you can read here. This contrasts with adverts targeted at the male reptilian brain, where women are generally younger, wear fewer clothes, and are involved in any activity that shows off their physical attributes. Put your stakeholder in the center of the topic and speak about its most favorite subject: himself. But dont build your life around these things. They use race, religion, caste to create an us vs them narrative and make you feel threatened. Note: A trigger is anything outside of you that "triggers" an internal response.For example, you are driving a car and see a red light (trigger) which causes you to stop (behavioral response).Some of the traits associated with the reptilian brain include: aggression, dominance, seeking a mate, sex, rigidity, obsessiveness, compulsiveness, worship, fear, submission and greed. Our ancestors used to be constantly under threat. Research shows that hunger has a negative impact on both, decision-making and impulse control. Now, evaluate with your logical thinking, if each of these threats are in fact a real danger for you. Go to any website and you will probably see at least one of these used to stimulate the primal brain. Do things we know wed regret. You are exposed to lots of triggers every day which will cause you to react. If you try to logically determine the next step, youll be dead before you know it.In such situations, the reptilian brain overrides the neocortex (which is slow and demands more energy). This is highly schematic, the brain really doesn't come in three layers. And in some situations, these instincts overpower our rational mind, causing us to act irrationally. Then sitting on the top is the layer three, the cortex. They play on your fears and insecurities to get you to buy their products. There are several steps one can take to counter the easily triggered reptilian brain. The stronger the trigger will be, the more a persons character will change towards primal behavior. Pheromones are odorless and consciously undetectable natural substances that trigger a deep sexual response in the brain of those who come in contact with them, and that is related to sexual attraction. It is made up mainly of the premotor cortex and primary somatosensory cortex. The reptilian brain constantly scans for signs of threat. Trauma resets the reptilian brain. Well, I know I have (like a lot! Let alone the fact that they are aware that Time for you to become aware of the enormous power of this lizard brain and how to use it for your own benefits. We say things we didnt mean to. Here's How to Trigger Emotion in a Man (Summary) What I'm about to share with you is so counterintuitive, yet powerful, that it will forever change how it is that you interact with men. While your reptilian brain evolved to keep your body alive and to serve the needs of your genes, food is a very powerful trigger. How to meditate? The limbic brain is not as old as the primal brain. Creating scenarios that trigger our reptilian brain is not difficult, but they must be realistic, natural, and almost dreamlike so as to capture the viewer's attention and engender the emotional responses you intend. You don't actually have a "reptilian brain" somewhere deep in your head making you act like a salty crocodile, so where did that idea even come from?Hosted b. We are hard-wired to seek out mates and ensure the survival of our species. So when youre hungry, your brain perceives it as a threat to survival. It's insanely complicated, everything connects to everything. The reptilian complex is a part of the human brain that controls emotions and human behavior. Are you going to give in to your primal urges and go through life like a zombie? So, your lizard brain is triggered as soon as you feel threatened. So things like reading, writing, and arithmetic go out the window. Most of the projects I have worked on as and IT Project manager in the past 25 years, were nothing more than a three or four letter abbreviation. It's also a storehouse for emotions and decisions that might seem irrational. These are all traits of the reptilian brain. Evidence from evolutionary biology points to the fact that humans can speak while animals don't, is due to the cerebral cortex that humans have. When triggered, the amygdala is where the fight or flight response is made. The Neocortex is the outermost layer of the brain and is linked with high-level cognitive abilities. The dorsal cortex is the part of brain that controls our body movements. Despite the fact that the old brain (reptilian brain) takes command of all the involuntary body functions - the stimulus that trigger its attention are quite basic. You'll be able to use your nonverbal sexual communication to directly bypass the critical walls of a woman's conscious mind and directly touch the reptilian brain behind it that responds to sex. Breathing exercises, physical exercise, and a good night's sleep can help keep your nervous system healthy. It kind of connects parts of the brain that deal with high and low functions. Being physically inactive is abnormal. What triggers this is a mix between your two primitive . No, you need to create a break state, a pattern interrupt, so that the lizard brain of your audience suddenly becomes alert of a change which is happening. Almost as if we lose control of our own minds. All those glossy magazines with the new car and beautiful models standing next to each car. It is made up of gray matter. It makes us find out the most cost-effective solution to our behaviors. A neuroscientist explains how to master your focus. Okay, just kidding because the better way is to recognize the triggers of your lizard brain and take control of. THE REPTILIAN BRAIN by James M. Ridgway, Jr Added to the StarNet Community Editorial Page on January 22, 1997 All social issues, good or bad, are in the end dependent upon man's reptilian brain. You often see Before and After Pictures in ads where they promote all kinds of diet pills. You can combine this with the primal pain avoiding behavior of the reptilian brain. For this reason, we must tap into the primal brain without arousing the suspicions of the emotional or rational brains, which are liable to call into question the methods being used and direct the person away from the product. For that reason, the reptilian brain tends to focus on the beginning and the end. As soon as their lizard brain is convinced, you get the attention you need to also convince the logical thinking brains of your stakeholders. But why are normal people overreacting when they are driving their car? Stress Triggers Our Reptilian Brain Psychologists have learnt that in order to treat patients with post . The reptilian brain is reliable but tends to be somewhat rigid and compulsive The Limbic Brain The limbic brain emerged in the first mammals. A purely cognitive state. While you may find other ways to prevent an amygdala hijack, these two are the primary ways. For example, if you have an e-commerce site, when users have left things in their basket for a period of time, you could send them an email alert telling them that there are only X number of these still available. We also have a brain that is very similar to that of our ancestors. Quit porn. And this feeling of threat is what immediately activates their lizard brain. The number of neurons in the human brain is estimated to be about 100 billion. Therefore, when you plant messages or suggestions in a man's reptilian brain, he becomes utterly immune to everything else and follows through with your commands as if it is something really urgent. The neocortex is what separates us from animals. That's because it determines what you will focus on in the first place. Rather than something emotional, here's a threatening beast right in front of you. Brain morphology refers to the structure of the brain. Probably more. With a better understanding of how each part of the brain functions, we can have more mindful thoughts that will influence more favorable decision-making and outcomes in life. Bad Design vs. Good Design: 5 Examples We can Learn From. As said earlier, if it would be a tangible visual than it is even more powerful. He has a Dutch blog about NLP here: Therefore, images and motion are essential tools in the designer's kit for tapping into the primal brain. Step 3: The Arch. Pause and count to ten. Or when you have suddenly a meeting for which you could not prepare. Please log in again. The Neurobiological Benefits of Exercise, Neurobiological effects of physical exercise Wikipedia, Why Meditate? Spend more time in nature. Reptile theory was first articulated by David Ball and Don C. Keenan in Reptile: The 2009 Manual of the Plaintiff's Revolution. Some of those triggers are firing off part of your neocortex, others are firing off parts of your limbic brain and other triggers are firing off parts of your reptilian brain. Reach us at After all, we are visible creatures and seeing is believing. Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Porn, Netflix, Social Media all trigger the same neural circuitry that releases dopamine. However, if there are no changes the lizard brain will conserve its energy and will stop paying attention. Relevant Plug: Why Exercise? The paleomammalian complex refers to the fact that we have many characteristics that are similar to those of our ancestors. "The secret of wisdom, power, and knowledge is humility." -Ernest Hemingway. Whatever you like and enjoy. If exercise could be packaged in a pill, it would be the single most beneficial and widely prescribed medicine in the world. You have unique gifts to share with the world. We could go on and on about the benefits of meditation. Have you seen the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic? Get more sunlight. Next time you feel stressed or anxious, observe your breathing. And the capacity to observe our thoughts, emotions, and behavior (what we are doing right now). Again, this is why visualization techniques work so well because they help you channel your mental energy and attention towards your goals. The power of food, drink, and love are often harnessed in unison. Whats the best way to think about the brain? Without thinking logically about it, they react aggressively by beeping their horn or swearing. This is not done by monotonous continuing your presentation of course. You cannot control everything. However, it is also somewhat rigid and compulsive. So, you can now safely decide for yourself, that these kinds of triggers are not dangerous for you. As soon as you feel threatened, this acts as a trigger for your reptilian brain to activate your defense mode. Its rarely seen in other animals. don't really understand yet. Another great way to make the benefits of a project or other value proposition tangible, are customer testimonials with the picture of the customer. I cant speak from personal experience because I dont have a drivers license myself (due to sight problems), but a lot of people seem to become very aggressive when they are driving their car. Why do they call it the Reptilian Brain or the Lizard Brain? This might be the most difficult part of the practice. The brain diverts energy away from the thinking part of the brain which can make it hard to think. Let him do what he loves and support him. As a designer, you want to project the illusion that the viewers ownership of a product (or active involvement in a service) in this type of context will make him or her just as cool and happening as the models portrayed seem to promise. Thats what this article is about. Start by saying: Picture this and then picture the visual you have in mind. Not much. Then we have the center part that comprises the limbic system", which consists of the septum, amygdala, hypothalamus, hippocampal complex, and cingulate cortex. It is not always possible to make projects very tangible, thats why most projects rely on dashboards and status reports to make the project visible. Doing right now ) to seek out mates and ensure the survival of our own minds on! This feeling of threat is what immediately activates their lizard brain ) is one of the of... Linked with high-level cognitive abilities faced with a saber-tooth tiger, theres no time for thinking portion of premotor. Safely decide for yourself, that these kinds of triggers every day will! Hello @ After all, we are capable of processing visual imagery,! Models showing all those beautiful clothes, are beautiful themselves thus stipulating the fact that you can combine with! 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how to trigger a man's reptilian brain